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10 min read

11 Reasons Why BMI Doesn't Work

By Raj Sareen on 5/6/22 7:00 AM

Updated May 6, 2022

Topics: body mass index body fat mesurements bmi body fat percentage
7 min read

Styku vs. Fit3d A 3D Body Scanner Comparison

By Joel Lee on 8/31/21 12:00 PM

Have you ever been frustrated at how little fitness apps and scales can tell you about your own incredible and unique body?

Topics: Technology body composition styku body mass index body fat percentage body fat measurement body scanning HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Fitness Assessment
7 min read

BMR vs. RMR How Should Your Fitness Center Be Tracking Them

By Joel Lee on 5/12/21 7:00 AM

Do you wonder how many customers will drop out of your fitness program in the next 90-days?

Topics: body mass index body fat percentage