How can I change the Administrator account on my Styku?

The following article gives you the steps necessary to change the Administrator account on your Styku device.

Step 1: Open up your Styku app and go to the setting button in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 2: In settings you will scroll down and select Accounts and Privacy Controls.

You will then be asked to sign onto the current admin account so make sure to have the email and password at hand.

Step 3: Next you will select the Administrator Account.

You can now fill in and update the email and password for admin access. You will be asked to verify the email address by entering in a code emailed to you.

After you will be asked to fill out your company info, location, and the size and type of business.

Step 9 : Decide if you want to use a PIN code to protect customer scan profiles. If you do, press the button to turn it on (it will turn red). If not, press Continue.

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Step 10 : Read the information about Styku AI and then press Get Started.

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Step 11 : Read the information about Phoenix, then choose a body composition model. If you choose to use the Advanced model, you will be asked to complete a certification course. A link to the course will be displayed. You can change this setting later if you prefer. If you choose the Basic model, press Continue to move to the next step.

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Step 12 : If you would prefer not to use Styku's body composition values at all, you can enable the option to be asked to enter a body fat % value after scanning someone. Press the button to enable this if you'd like to use your own body fat % values instead of the body composition values provided by Styku.

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Step 13 : By default, measurement validation is enabled, which will identify measurements that Styku thinks are incorrect by marking them with a yellow exclamation point. If you would prefer not to use this feature, press the button to disable it. You can learn more about our measurement validation feature here:

How Styku's measurement validation feature works

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Step 14 : Press Finish to complete setting up your administrator account.

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