Learn about the latest new features and bug fixes in Styku Studio version 4.4
Styku Studio version 4.4 is a major update with improvements to hardware compatibility, scan quality and server connection.
Scan Quality and Scan Pipeline Improvements
- Pre-scan pose will now be more consistent. This version improves the reliability and position of the pre-scan "wings" for more consistent scan pose, by narrowing the allowable range of arm positions, and adjusting the "wing" angles relative to the hips.
- The scan quality is improved, with much less likely inclusion of the turntable in the final scan mesh.
- Orientation fixes have been made to ensure that the final scan doesn't lean, is standing straight up, and is not rotated, which improves scan and measurement quality.
- The scan pipeline is optimized for faster end-to-end scanning.
- S100X scan registration quality has been improved, resulting in less cases of broken meshes or distortions in the scan data.
- Added "Reset Turntable" button to Scan Settings for V5 and newer turntables.
Measurement Improvements
- The measurement positions are significantly improved, especially in the arms and legs. Bicep, forearm, thigh and calf measurements are in more consistent positions vs. previous builds. As a result, prior scans will be re-measured when loaded into the software, and measurement positions and values may not match previous scan reports.
- Improved the consistency of hip, chest and centerline of the body to prevent placement issues with these measurements.
Hardware Compatibility Changes
- The V6 turntable hardware is compatible with this release.
- Removed support for the end-of-life S400 3D Body Scanner.
- A notification system was added, allowing Styku to post messages to the Studio software when scheduled maintenance needs to be performed.
Styku Cloud
- Numerous improvements have been made to Styku's servers to assist customer service, and Styku support tools.
- Server changes have been implemented to replace obsolete systems.
Complete list of changes and bug fixes
Bug Fixes
SA-4827 nudge thigh upper down another smidge
SA-4825 center point / crotch point out of alignment
SA-4824 Calf measurements skewed up in back, improperly, in some scans
SA-3961 V6 turntable, "Use Weight Scale" tool not working
SA-3960 implement narrower wings in S100 scan pipeline
SA-3955 S100 face category issue causing bad measurements
SA-3953 measurement precision in torso is worse than in 4.3 BML
SA-3951 The V6 turntable is not shown green when it s properly detected.
SA-3936 turntable does not reset to start position after the scan
SA-3935 scans getting cut off above the knees
SA-3906 BFA is not working properly.
SA-3905 Demo scan should not provide an option to Delete the scan - show Continue, not Accept/Delete
SA-3903 V6 turntable upper and mid thigh measurements larger than v5, less precise
SA-3902 systematic difference in waists, volumes, lean mass
SA-3895 Open Profile, Last Scanned date is incorrect for profiles that have old scans, and profiles with no scans
SA-3891 Deleted profile (Own profile & shared profile) still showing to the user.
SA-3886 Progress indicator for the V6 turntable is not working.
SA-3831 If the scan is Disabled from the portal after that, the scan count does not change in the unity application
SA-3830 Scan count is not decreased when deleting scan from the unity.
SA-3829 The scan page shows blank when the user selects limited functionality of progress report
SA-3822 V6 TT is not reset during Scan Pipeline
SA-3820 URL does not show after the send report of the 4.4 version from unity.
SA-3812 Extra weight show on the V6 turntable
SA-3806 app shutdown suddenly
SA-3795 Feet are being Cropped off
SA-3781 choosing a volume measurement un-hides the View Tape tapes
SA-3775 scan pipeline started from the main window after pressing View Details to exit scan pipeline
SA-3773 unable to log in to the app after license transferred to another account, login reverts to the previous email
SA-3772 example profile and profiles with 0 scans showing today's date as Last Scanned in Open Profile dialog
SA-3757 Last Scanned date in Choose Existing open profile dialog is incorrect for existing scans
SA-3744 on re-open scans, the progress bar missing, UI disappears
SA-3743 The scan is not creating properly
SA-3718 transfer scan does not update count and does not remove the scan from list when you transfer from portal
SA-3717 license auth should match
SA-3699 turntable, 25" distance - turntable blobs in final mesh, leg position distorted
SA-3697 V6 turntable, 25" distance - feet chopped off
SA-3691 V6 turntable outline incorrect for S100 scan
SA-3687 Time stamp on scans is not respecting local computer clock
SA-3686 turntable not flagged to reset if subject is lost during scan, OR if scan is canceled
SA-3685 Scanning in Progress progress ring completes at about 50% of rotation of V5 turntable
SA-3684 silhouette outline incorrect
SA-3683 app crash on "are you sure you want to delete this scan?"
SA-3682 Scan Again after first scan, no mesh in scan preview window after 2nd scan
SA-3681 does not have the new wing angles
SA-3679 Mesh file missing in the scan
SA-3676 Delete scan functionality does not work
SA-3668 The Unity screen goes blank after sends a report from unity
SA-3654 Unity Assert when editing measurement position, then app crash
SA-3648 The 4.1 version scan is not loading in the 4.4 build
SA-3622 Scan detail screen showing an error message while creating a scan using staff functionality
SA-3620 4.3 related scan reports does not send in the 4.4 build
SA-3616 The "delete" button is not working properly.
SA-3610 neck position wrong, need to try to improve
SA-3609 Arm measurement positions incorrect, need to try to improve
SA-3608 Chest and Hip measurement positions wrong
SA-3607 BML finding thighs too high on S100X bodies
SA-3606 Hip marker incorrectly found for this body, throwing off measurements including body fat %
SA-3605 unable to find Bicep measurement with arms lower
SA-3604 massive face category failure
SA-3603 Tilted scan, bad face categories and measurement position fail
SA-3602 Bad hip marker with appropriate clothing.
SA-3595 The improper message shown when the load error scan in the unity.
SA-3584 Hip position found incorrectly for larger subjects - try to improve
SA-3575 The fitness information is not appearing in the scan.
SA-3564 Reset license key enabled on previous PC
SA-3559 The scan is not created in the S100x tower with a V6 turntable.
SA-3558 The birthdate is not shown in the edit profile.
SA-3557 The .stykuregraw file is automatically created in the Styku captured folder but scan not created
SA-3556 Scan file not created still upload API called
SA-3555 File already uploaded still File exists API continues calling
SA-3552 The error is shown during the scan in the S100x tower.
SA-3551 There are extra depth files created in snapshots folder
SA-3550 There are extra files show in the scan.
SA-3548 The wrong age show in the scan
SA-3546 .stykureg file does not save in the table but this file successfully uploaded inside the captured folder in the Azure
SA-3545 The error show during scan in S100 tower and V6 Turntable.
SA-3534 BFA is automatically closed after the scan.
SA-3533 .Stykureg file is created automatically but scan does not create of that file name
SA-3521 The scan name is automatically changed from small to capital letter.
SA-3520 The scan time shows different in the 4.3 and 4.4 versions.
SA-3519 The error shows in the "Aesthetics".
SA-3516 The user is not able to view the list of the staff roles while creating the scan
SA-3508 Build manager tool - Updating issue in the production build version
SA-3507 There is a problem occurring in checking for updates for production build
SA-3506 There is a problem occurring in checking for updates for production build
SA-3478 hard crash of Styku app when body leaving scan view during scan
SA-3422 Share report - Error show during send report
SA-3421 Measurements is not showing after the scan.
SA-3414 Shared profiles are not showing in the app
SA-3412 ["Play Video" button is disabled
SA-3411 Updated Ethnicity is not showing in portal
SA-3406 "Edit Profile" screen is shown when the user saves the scan in the "Existing Profile"
SA-3405 The scans do not appear in "Select A Profile" dialog
SA-3404 After the scan is complete, the unity application stops working
SA-3400 The user is not able to open the Administrator account to edit user
SA-3397 User's all profiles is not displayed in the "Select A Profile"
SA-3383 Verification code does not show while creating a new user
SA-3380 Created profile data interchanged with other profile
SA-3379 List of the profile is showing different in the app and portal
SA-3373 "Identification Code" is not removed after editing profile information
SA-3371 Profile information is not showing in the edit profile page
SA-3367 User does not create the deleted profile
SA-3362 Exception - User not found
SA-3337 The "Accept the terms of use" page repeatedly show when the user restart the application
SA-3336 Profile is not show when open "Edit Profile"
SA-3335 Profile is not show when open "Select A Profile"
SA-3334 "Create Profile" functionality is not working
SA-3333 The "Back" button is redirected to the wrong page.
SA-3331 Spell issue: The spelling of "Successfully" is shown wrong
SA-3316 Silhouette outline drawn wrong
SA-3310 Auto log out for admin is not working
SA-3309 Auto Log Out for client functionality is not working
SA-3308 Application is not closed after the removing Auth
SA-3304 Back event is not working properly
SA-3302 Check Weight -> Click events is not working
SA-3287 Field validation missing in “Create User“ & “Edit User“
SA-3193 Dev Build - Create Scan API - Scan related bugs
SA-3192 Measurement version show "Null" in the scan.
SA-3180 Incorrect verification code is accepting
SA-3046 Missing field validation in "Birthday"
SA-3005 Edited scan details do not show in Unity
SA-3004 Forgot password > "Continue" button is automatically enabled without entering information into the mandatory fields.
SA-2997 Create scan > Different time shows in unity and portal
SA-2995 Scan report > Full body is not cover in the summary report
SA-2992 Create profile > Wrong scan count shows in "Open profile"
SA-2972 Edit profile > Missing field validation in "First Name" & "Last Name"
SA-2664 App loads to white screen
SA-2608 per-profile body comp dropdown doesn't go back up after closing/opening profile
SA-2580 asking me for a PIN to open profiles, but I don't have one and have never set one
SA-2554 App crash if access to Videos folder is denied
SA-2507 reset license key feature not working
SA-2422 record weight window displaying incorrect weight on second recording in same window session
SA-2367 Kinect bad registration
SA-2323 legacy wellness set set as default, won't measure, getting cannot measure error
SA-2322 Installer failing to install correctly
SA-2319 APP CRASH - customer says turntable not connecting, log says overflow error
SA-2296 installer fails to update saying permissions, access denied.
SA-2292 app mismatch between server and local body composition model for Phoenix
SA-2272 "failed to read" cache file. customer reporting app stall when "loading finished scan" after scan complete
SA-2193 S100X beta customers reporting that app is crashing during scans
SA-2179 default measurement set wasn't set, so measurements didn't load
SA-2138 start scan with Kinect, spinny no error message
SA-2097 .stykureg files missing for S100X scans
SA-2084 catastrophic registration failure
SA-2083 catastrophic BML measurement fail, unusable measurements
SA-2082 Chest position incorrect, try to improve
SA-2081 Calf positions are off, need to try to improve
SA-960 log in to settings / advanced with a different existing email than what original license is under, will change all local credentials to that other account
SA-4798 worse registration
SA-4797 Bad arm measurement positions
SA-4796 bad hip measurement location
SA-4795 turntable in re-registered scan
SA-4794 face categories wonky
SA-4793 Chest measurement in the wrong place in latest registration files
SA-4700 waist (narrowest) moves around to unusable positions - should constrain it
SA-4071 add a setting to erase body_cache_v2.cfg
SA-3934 V6 turntable outline is a non anti-aliased image, replace with the same UI style as S100X
SA-3877 re-registration of scans using 4.4 sparse reg - some registrations and measurement markers are worse than before
SA-3716 look at top of turntable clipping plane, are we cutting the feet off too high?
SA-3612 bicep measurement positions and angles are out even in "perfect" scans"
SA-3611 D455 sensor initialization is slow
SA-2620 make display of admin settings on server easier to read
SA-2587 push dxdiag info to license key return value on portal for system specs: CPU, RAM, Storage available
SA-2128 queue - add measurement definition file names and file versions to queue output
New Feature
SA-3738 New API - Styku Tools
SA-3670 License Details and License status API support tools
SA-3613 stykums integration
SA-2547 push notifications in the software for important messages to the customer
SA-2544 Test that custom body fat % is appropriately handled in mmt tab for per-profile body comp