Is there anything in the Styku software I can use to advertise the scanner, like a screensaver or video?

Styku has some Marketing settings you can turn on to show off the scanner when it's not in use. Read below to learn how to enable these settings.

Step 1 : Press the Settings button to open the Settings menu.

Settings Tab

Step 2 : Scroll down and choose the Marketing option.

Screenshot (12) copy

Step 3 : Log into your administrator account.

Screenshot (13)

Step 4 : Choose which marketing options you'd like to turn on by pressing the button next to the option. When the button turns red, the feature is on.

Screenshot (14)

Auto-Play Styku Video will play an introductory video about the Styku scanner.

Auto-Rotate Example Scans will auto-load our before-and-after example and rotate both 3D bodies in split-screen view when the software is idle. If you'd prefer to use your own before-and-after profile, you can select the Choose Example Scan Profile option.

If you'd like to add your company logo to the summary, scan and progress reports, choose the Add Logo option.

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