Can I look at the 3D scan from any angle? How do I use the 3D view in the Styku software?

The 3D scan can be panned, rotated and zoomed in and out using either the touch screen or touch pad. Read below to learn how to control the 3D view.

Step 1 : To move the 3D view up, down, left or right, press on the 3D body scan (or tap and hold on the touch pad), and drag up or down.

Pan scan gif

Step 2 : To rotate around the 3D body scan, press on the 3D body scan and drag left or right.

Rotate scan gif

Step 3 : To zoom in or out, pinch with two fingers on the touch screen or touch pad.
Pinch in to zoom in, and pinch out to zoom out.

zoom scan gif

Step 4 : If you have moved the 3D model out of the view or need to get it back to the starting position, press the Reset button in the top right hand corner of the window.

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