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The Many Benefits Of Corporate Fitness

Written by Giselle Naranjo | 3/25/22 2:00 PM

The modern workplace is more sedentary than ever before. With people working longer hours and spending more time in front of a computer, it's no wonder that obesity and other care on the rise.

One way to combat this is by implementing a corporate fitness program. Physically active employees are generally happier and more productive.

That is why corporate fitness is becoming increasingly popular in workplaces across the globe. A healthy workforce is a productive workforce.

More and more businesses are investing in corporate fitness programs. According to recent studies, employees who participate in these programs have lower absenteeism and turnover rates and are also less likely to get injured on the job. The comprehensive employee wellness programs will help eliminate poor employee health and provide wellness benefits to people.

This blog post will discuss the many benefits of corporate fitness programs and how they can help your business achieve its goals!

What Is Corporate Fitness?

Corporate fitness is simply an extension of the individual workout. Individuals work out to help themselves, but corporate fitness programs are designed to help individuals while helping businesses.

Having a strong workforce means having employees who stay healthy year-round. And staying healthy requires regular exercise and good nutrition.

Why Is Fitness Important In The Workplace?

Staying in shape can have a tremendous impact on employees' performance, which directly impacts the company's bottom line.

Research shows that when workers are in good shape, they are more engaged in their work. When employees feel engaged in what they're doing at work, it can also mean more productivity and creativity for that business.

And, it's not just the folks on the front lines which can benefit from regular workouts.

Fitness also benefits higher-level employees, like executives and managers. Executives stressed out about their jobs tend to make bad decisions because they are so focused on every decision that they lose sight of what needs to happen.

Having a leader engaged in their job because they are in good physical shape can be a huge asset to any company's success.

But engagement and high productivity stops when employees don't get enough exercise, and the number one reason employees say they don't work out? Because they're too busy or stressed out.          

By making workplace wellness programs available for everyone in the company—from the mailroom to the board room—employees can take time out of their day, together, to get healthier. And that can have a huge positive impact on everyone who works there.

Work-life balance is another way companies use corporate fitness programs to help employees. 

Long hours at work can also mean long hours at home for employees who might not have time for a traditional workout in the gym or even time to plan healthy meals.

The good news is that companies are catching on. Some organizations offer fitness programs at work with onsite trainers to help employees stay fit without leaving work.

By taking steps like these, more and more businesses realize that corporate wellness isn't just about having healthier employees. It's about having happier, more productive employees—and that means better business.   

What Are The Benefits Of Corporate Fitness?

As more companies are catching on to the idea of promoting an active lifestyle among employees, the benefits of corporate fitness are becoming increasingly evident.

Studies have shown that regular exercise can decrease absenteeism in employees by up to 25%, increase productivity by up to 32%, and improve morale all around.

Other studies have also found that people who maintain an active lifestyle are happier, healthier, and more energetic than those who don't. 

Even with all of these benefits to exercise, companies find they can't afford to have a corporate fitness program in place.

While some companies may already have an onsite gym or sports facility for employees, most do not provide fitness activities for people at work.   

In these cases, many companies have introduced corporate fitness programs that encourage employees to exercise on their own by providing incentives such as discounts at local gyms, weight-loss competitions, and a variety of other activities which promote an active lifestyle.

In addition to the benefits outlined above, company fitness initiatives can also bring about a huge return on investment for businesses.

For example, if a company with 1,000 employees loses 25% of its workforce due to absenteeism, productivity losses, and healthcare costs due to insufficient exercise, it can expect to benefit financially by $100,000 for every $1 invested in corporate fitness.

Companies are finding that the benefits of corporate fitness are too good to be ignored. When your employees want to get and stay healthy, it means that they can work harder and more productively, which ultimately results in a healthier bottom line for the company.

Why Is Wellness In The Workplace So Significant?

Well, for starters, according to the American Journal of Health Promotion, it is estimated that over $63 billion is lost each year due to absenteeism and presenteeism, which is the impaired ability to work because of ill-health.

That's why many companies are implementing wellness programs to improve their employee health and ultimately lower costs.

But wellness in the workplace benefits more than a company's bottom line. Employees who are healthy and engaged in their work are more productive, take fewer sick days, miss work less frequently due to personal reasons, and experience less turnover.

These results that Gallup has compiled about employee engagement also show how important it is for a company to have a healthy workforce. 

Wellness program statistics from the National Wellness Institute prove this point.

  • For every $1 a company invests in a workplace wellness program, they save $3 to $4 on future medical costs.
  • Over 80 percent of companies offering health promotion programs report improved employee productivity.                                                         
  • More than 70 percent of companies report an improvement in employee morale.
  • More than 80 percent of companies report a decrease in healthcare costs.

As you can see, the many benefits of corporate wellness programs are tremendous for both your company and your employees. If you wish elevated health risks for your workers, an employee wellness program might be the best choice.

What Are The Advantages Of Corporate Wellness Programs?

Employees who are healthy and fit tend to be more productive, stay on the job for longer, and miss work less often.

Employees who exercise regularly can get sick less often and can enjoy lower rates of depression, heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. They also report higher levels of energy.

People with high blood pressure or high cholesterol are more likely to have heart attacks. Physical activity reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis, colon cancer, and depression.

Workers who aren't stressed out about their health are typically healthier overall. They're less likely to be absent from work or quit their jobs because of illness-related problems.

Workers who have higher levels of physical fitness are less likely to have work-related injuries. Companies with programs to promote physical fitness among their employees can also save money through reduced worker's compensation claims and absenteeism.

Studies show that good jobs tend to be held by healthy people, whereas the lower-income categories are more often associated with a higher percentage of unhealthy people.    

Many companies offer their employees the option to exercise during working hours, through gym facilities on-site, or by providing time off for physical activities like games or sports events. Other companies allow their employees to go home early to accommodate workout schedules.

Some employers offer incentives to workers who exercise regularly and provide money towards gym memberships, health club dues, or wellness classes for all employees.

Employees Stay Healthy And Happy

One of the biggest benefits of corporate fitness programs is that it helps keep employees happy and healthy. There's a ton of evidence linking happiness to overall good health.

Happy people are more likely to have improved cardiovascular function, lower stress levels, improved memory, enhanced creativity, and faster recovery times after stressful events.

Wellness programs also play a key role in helping companies recruit and retain top talent to foster a healthy relationship between employees and the company to strengthen their overall productivity.

When employees are fit and happy, it's easier for employers to ensure their safety while on the job. Healthy employees are less likely to get injured on the job.  In conclusion, employee wellness programs have soothing effects on employee health behaviors and reduce health risks.

Bottom Line

When it comes to the health and well-being of employees, corporate fitness programs can offer a lot of benefits.

Physically active employees are generally happier and have more energy. They also tend to be more productive and have better focus when working.

If you're looking for a way to improve the health and well-being of your employees, look no further than corporate fitness.

This is why corporate fitness is becoming increasingly popular in workplaces across the globe. Not only does corporate fitness improve employee health, but it can also lead to increased productivity and a more positive work environment.

From reducing stress levels to improving productivity, there are many reasons why businesses should invest in these types of programs.

This blog post discussed the many benefits of corporate fitness programs and how they can help your business.