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Best Fitness Center Equipment

Written by Raj Sareen | 9/12/22 2:30 PM

A gym membership can be a great way to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle, but it can also be a costly investment. You'll need access to the best fitness center equipment if you want the most out of your gym membership.

In the fitness center equipment industry, many gimmicky pieces of equipment will make you sweat in the first few sessions but then lose interest in a matter of weeks. These pieces of equipment might look the part, but they're often missing the fundamentals that would make them practical and useful for an extended period of time.

The best types of equipment can provide unique training benefits that can't be replicated elsewhere. So if you're looking for a new gym or trying to revamp your routine, here are some things to consider when evaluating potential exercise spaces.

The Benefits Of Investing In The Best Fitness Equipment

‍When you start working out regularly, you feel energized and more confident about yourself. And once you get into a routine, you can even continue with it after your initial three-month commitment ends. The problem is that most people don't stick to their new habits for long.

After a few months, the old lifestyle creeps back in, and we stop going to the gym, or our home workout routines get stale and uninteresting. To avoid this pitfall, consider investing in high-quality fitness equipment to help you maintain your regimen even after your initial contract with your gym or personal trainer expires.

Whether you have just started working out or have been doing so for some time, investing in better equipment can help take your training to the next level. It can also help you save money in the long run by negating the need to pay monthly membership fees or buy cheaper but lesser quality machines that will soon break down.

Here are some benefits of investing in top-notch fitness equipment – read on to learn more.

Stay Motivated With High-Quality Equipment

There's nothing more annoying than going to the gym and having the wrong workout equipment. Some machines might not be correctly calibrated, others might be missing a key part, or those with faulty wiring might even be dangerous to use.

If you're frustrated and annoyed by the state of the machines at the gym, chances are you'll stop going there altogether. However, if you invest in high-quality machines, you'll find them easier to use and more fun to train.

This can help you stay motivated and keep you from giving up. Top-notch fitness equipment will also help you stay focused on your workout and not get distracted by issues like faulty wiring that can make working out much less enjoyable.

Help Maintain Muscle And Cardio Endurance

Most people think it's about losing weight when they start working out. However, regular exercise is also great for maintaining muscle and cardio endurance – two key elements of fitness. If you do cardio-focused workouts primarily, you might notice that your endurance decreases over time, even if you're maintaining your current weight. This is because your body loses muscle mass and cardio endurance as you age. Combine cardio with strength training, and you'll see better results and be able to maintain your fitness goals for longer.

High-quality fitness equipment will make it easier to work the right muscles and get the most out of your training regimen. This will help you maintain muscle mass and cardio endurance over time and help you keep up with your active lifestyle as you age.

Improve Flexibility And Stretching

Regularly stretching and doing yoga can help you with flexibility and prevent injury. But, unfortunately, most people can't find the time for it in their busy schedules.

Stacking weights on top of your regular exercises can also help improve flexibility and stretching and help you maintain your muscle mass and cardio endurance. This will allow you to focus more on your regular training, which will, in turn, help you get more out of your workouts.

Additionally, you can use the weights to help stretch your muscles as they grow stronger, further improving your flexibility.

Provide Better Feedback To Help Change Your Training Routine

If you're not seeing the results you want after a few months of working out, you might start to doubt your fitness routine and think you're doing something wrong.

Unfortunately, many gyms don't have a trainer or knowledgeable staff to help you figure out how to make your routine more effective. However, investing in the best fitness equipment will help you better track your progress with built-in metrics and sensors.

These will let you know if you're pushing yourself too far or not enough. This information can help you customize your training routine and make the most of your workouts.

Build Core Strength And Balance

If you're trying to stay fit, core strength is a must. Unfortunately, it's often neglected in favor of cardio, but it can help you prevent injury and maintain muscle even as you age.

While you can do core exercises with free weights at home, investing in a high-quality machine designed to strengthen and improve balance will help you get the best results out of your training.

Keep Your Body In Top Shape

As you age, your body will start to change whether you like it. You can prevent a lot of these changes by remaining physically active. However, living a healthy lifestyle isn't always easy.

You'll need to commit to a regular workout routine that lasts longer than a few weeks. This can be easier to accomplish if you invest in quality fitness equipment that you love using and want to train regularly.

This way, you won't dread going to the gym and will look forward to it. Additionally, you'll have better results from your workout and avoid some of the common pitfalls that plague non-regular exercisers.

Why You Should Invest In The Best Fitness Equipment

By investing in the best fitness equipment, you'll be able to better customize your workouts to your specific fitness and health goals.

This can help you achieve the results you want faster and help you stay consistent with your training routine even after the initial excitement of working out wears off.

Fitness equipment is a once-in-a-lifetime investment that will pay for itself over time.

Cardio Equipment

The heart of any good fitness program is cardio. Running, spinning, and even swimming are great ways to stay healthy, lose weight, and increase your overall fitness. With that said, not all cardio machines are created equally. Some can even be bad for you.


Steppers look like mini staircases and are intended to work your leg muscles. While it may not seem like it, this gym equipment can be pretty taxing on the legs and lead to severe muscle soreness.

Steppers can be a nice, low-impact way to get some cardio in, but it's important not to overdo it. If you run on the stepper too much, you can lose more weight in your legs than gain it because those muscles constantly tire out.

The best steppers will have a low impact on your joints and will be easy on your legs. Additionally, they should be able to accommodate different fitness levels so you can increase the intensity of your workout as you get in better shape.


Stationary bikes are a great way to get a low-impact cardio workout without hurting your joints and without the need for outside space. However, many fitness bikes are poorly designed and inefficient. Look for a machine with a large flywheel and a heavy design. If the bike is light and cheap, it won't last many miles.

The best bikes will give you a smooth ride with little resistance. Additionally, they should have a large enough flywheel to keep you going for long periods without getting tired. Many modern bikes also have built-in features that allow you to track your progress and see how far you've ridden. This can be a great motivator to keep you going.


If you want a full-body cardio workout, ellipticals are a great pick. Athletes often use ellipticals to help build leg muscles, and almost anybody can use them. While some machines may be poorly built, an excellent elliptical machine can last for years and deliver a solid workout.

The best ellipticals will have a natural feel that makes it easy to keep moving. Additionally, they should be quiet and smooth so you can focus on your workout and not the machine itself. Many ellipticals also have built-in features that allow you to track your progress and see how far you've ridden. 

Jumping And Plyometric Equipment

If you're interested in training for basketball, volleyball, soccer, or another sport that requires a lot of jumping, then you'll want to use jumping and plyometric equipment. To make these workouts safe, ensure you're using the proper equipment.

Jumping and plyometric equipment, such as a plyometric box, may be more expensive than other types of equipment, but it's well worth the investment. These types of equipment offer a great workout and are built to last.

The best jumping and plyometric equipment brands have a solid reputation for quality. Additionally, you'll want to ensure that your purchased equipment is made of durable materials that can withstand repeated use.


A treadmill is a great option if you're interested in running or want to increase your cardiovascular fitness. Like most types of fitness equipment, treadmills come in many different shapes and sizes.

When shopping for a treadmill, finding a model that can meet your specific needs is essential. You may consider buying a treadmill with a larger walking space or a higher incline capacity. You can even purchase specialized equipment for a full-body workout, such as indoor rowing machines or elliptical machines.

Best treadmills will have many features that allow you to customize your workout. Additionally, they should be made of durable materials that can withstand repeated use. Many treadmills also have built-in features that allow you to track your progress and see how far you've walked or run. 

Rowing Machines

Rowing machines are a great way to get a full-body workout. Rowing machines work your arms, legs, and core muscles all at the same time.

Additionally, rowing is a low-impact exercise, making it easy on your joints. When shopping for a rowing machine, finding one that is comfortable and easy to use is crucial. The best rowing machines will have a natural feel and be made of durable materials.

Many rowing machines also have built-in features that allow you to track your progress and see how far you've rowed. 

Weightlifting Equipment

Weight training on-demand workouts are some of the best you can do for your fitness. They're also great when you don't have much time, as you can pick up and put down the weights whenever you want - which is perfect for busy lifestyles.

You'll need some weightlifting equipment if you're serious about building muscle. While you can lift weights without equipment, using the proper equipment can help you achieve your goals more quickly.

Additionally, weightlifting equipment is built to withstand repeated use, so it's a good investment if you plan on lifting weights regularly.

The best weightlifting equipment is made of high-quality materials that can withstand repeated use.

Strength Training Equipment

Full-body workouts are a great way to get in shape and build muscle. However, if you're only interested in working on one particular area of your body, you may want to use strength training equipment. Strength training equipment is designed to target specific muscle groups.

Strength training is another key part of any fitness program. A few weekly sessions on the weight machine can go a long way towards building muscle and increasing overall health.

Weight Machines

Many weight machines are large, bulky pieces of equipment that can be annoying to share in a busy gym. But others can also be designed to be more functional, like the ones featured below.

Cable Machines

Cable machines are great for working out the entire body, and they can be adjusted to be used by people at any skill level. They are an excellent choice if you're looking to do some light strength training.


Kettlebells are unique equipment that can be used for many different exercises. They are beneficial for people trying to improve their core strength. Even if you want a full-body workout, kettlebells can provide a great core workout with one or two lifts.

Abs And Core Equipment

Everybody wants to have a strong core. The muscles in your abdomen and lower back are critical for many activities, and having a strong set of abs is also an aesthetic bonus. A few pieces of equipment can help you target the core.

Ab Machines

Ab machines are usually large, spring-loaded pieces of equipment. They are often used by people who want to challenge their core but aren't comfortable with the standard crunches. Ab machines can work, but they aren't perfect.

Machines that support your back during exercises are less effective at targeting the abs than standard crunches. Still, ab machines can be an excellent additional workout when combined with crunches.

Massage Balls

A massage ball is a small, round piece of rubber used for various self-massage therapies. Athletes often use them to work out tension and knots in the muscles, but they can also be used by regular people looking to stay fit.

While massage balls can't replace a professional massage, they can be an excellent way to loosen up your muscles after a rigorous workout.

Foot And Ankle Fitness Equipment

It may not seem like it, but the health and strength of your feet and ankles play a critical role in your health and fitness. A sprained ankle can halt many activities, but a slight foot injury can cause discomfort and pain.

Some equipment can help you improve your ankle and foot fitness.

Wedge Squat

The wedge squat is a great way to work the ankles and knees without putting extra weight on the joints. However, many people are too afraid to try this exercise because they think they will slip and fall. The wedge squat can be done on a rubber mat, so if you're worried about slipping, don't be.


The lunge is another great exercise for the lower body, and it can also be done with no equipment. This exercise works the muscles in the legs, hips, and glutes. The lunge is a great choice if you're looking to improve your balance.

Foot Massager

A foot massager is a small, handheld device that can massage the feet. They are often used by people who have sore or tired feet. Foot massagers can be a great way to relieve tension and pain in the feet.

Body Sculpting Equipment

Some people will work out for strength, endurance, or just to stay healthy, but others will want to build muscle and sculpt their bodies.

Cable Machines

While cable machines are primarily used for strength training, they can also be used to help sculpt certain muscles. There isn't a specific cable machine you can use to build more muscle, but many people will slide an extra cable machine into their workouts to help sculpt specific muscles.


Ropes are an excellent piece of equipment for working out the arms. They are often used for climbing and can challenge the arms uniquely. They can't replace a standard weight machine, but they can be used as an extra exercise to focus on specific arm parts.


Dumbbells are an excellent piece of equipment for both strength training and body sculpting. They come in various weights, so you can always find the perfect weight for your workout. If you're looking to build muscle, dumbbells are a great choice.

Other Equipment To Look For

Weighted Gloves

Weighted gloves are great for helping to improve endurance and build up the muscles in the hands and fingers. This is an excellent way to prevent injury and maintain the health of your hands. Weighted gloves can be used for various exercises but are most commonly used to help build up the forearms.

Battle Ropes

Battle ropes are large ropes that are attached to a central post. They are pulled back and forth like a jump rope but are much more challenging. Battle ropes are a great, full-body exercise and can be used as a warm-up exercise or a way to finish the workout.

Workout Mat

A workout mat is a must-have for any home gym. They provide a comfortable place to work out and can help protect your floor from damage. A workout mat is also great for yoga or Pilates.

Ways To Maximize The Space In Your Gym

When you're an avid fitness fanatic, finding time to squeeze in a home gym session can be challenging. These compact and cost-effective home gyms make it easy for anyone to get fit from the comfort of their abode.

However, with limited square footage and only so many storage solutions at your disposal, setting up a home gym can be quite a challenge for space-limited people.

Nowhere is this more apparent than when attempting to design a functional yet compact workout area where everything has its proper place.

But don't worry — we have prepared these top tips on how you can maximize the space in your home gym and make sure that things stay organized and tidy while doing so!

Make The Most Of Limited Floor Space

While many gyms have the luxury of expansive space, if you're working out from your home, this isn't always the case. If your apartment or home has a very tight layout, the first step is to find a storage option that frees up as much space as possible.

For example, while a treadmill is an excellent fitness tool that can benefit most fitness regimens, it can easily take up a significant amount of room and make your workout space even smaller.

You can maximize the floor space in your home gym by opting for an air-squat rack instead of a treadmill. Not only does this free up floor space, but it also allows you to do dips from the rack instead of squatting.

Invest In A Multi-Functional Piece Of Equipment

Many home gym equipment has multiple features to help you get a comprehensive workout in a shorter amount of time. However, these multi-function fitness machines are often very pricey.

Therefore, many people choose to invest in a single piece of equipment that can substitute for a number of items in their home gym.

For example, purchasing a single-weight plate-loaded machine that boasts a leg press, calf press, and back extension feature can help you maximize the space in your home gym without purchasing several pieces of equipment.

Utilize Storage Options That Don't Take Up Much Space

Sometimes, even the most compact fitness machines can take up a significant amount of space in your home gym. Therefore, it's important to note the amount of space your storage options take up. For example, investing in a wall-mounted storage rack rather than a floor-standing unit that takes up more floor space can help you save valuable room.

Before making any purchases, measure and note the item's dimensions so you can ensure it will fit inside your workout space. Cleaning out your workout space regularly is also recommended to avoid a cluttered and messy gym environment.

Take Advantage Of Vertical Space

If you have the luxury of space in your home gym, you can easily maximize it by utilizing vertical space. You can do this in several ways, including:

- Hanging your weights on the wall. This is a great way to save space and keep your floor free from clutter.

- Hanging your cardio equipment on the wall. This is especially useful if you have limited floor space.

- Use a folding wall-mounted unit to store your weights and bars vertically.

- Hanging your exercise balls and jump ropes on the wall.

Don't Be Afraid To Get Creative

Some of the world's best workouts don't require fancy equipment or lots of money. Therefore, if you prefer to get creative and make your workout equipment at home, go for it!

If you don't have the money to invest in fancy equipment, why not try making your homemade dumbbells? You can do this by purchasing a set of adjustable dumbbells or filling a water bottle with sand.

You can even make your own pull-up bar or squat rack home from a few pieces of wood and some nails.

Train Like A Bodybuilder, Store Like An Athlete

If you have a lot of equipment, it can be easy to let them get cluttered in your workout space. Therefore, it's essential to keep your home gym organized and tidy.

While many people recommend cleaning up your workout space after every exercise session, we suggest doing so only if you have the time and energy. If you're someone who struggles to find time to fit in a workout, we recommend cleaning your home gym after every two or three sessions.

If you don't have the time to clean up your home gym every time you train, don't worry. Simply ensure your home gym is as tidy as possible before your next workout, and don't worry about it again until your next session.

Brands Of Fitness Equipment You Can't Go Wrong With

When buying the best home gym equipment, you want to make sure you're purchasing items that will withstand frequent use and last for a long time.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of different brands out there that aren't so great. Some of them have flimsy construction, poor-quality materials, break after just a few uses, or aren't designed to stand up to lots of repeated usage.

This is especially true regarding smaller equipment like weight benches or resistance bands. However, some trusted brands out there produce reliable products that won't disappoint you.

Here are the top brands of fitness equipment you can't go wrong with:

Rogue Fitness

Rogue Fitness is a fantastic brand of fitness equipment. They produce much different equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, and much more.

Mark Hopp founded the company, and its head office is in Columbus, Ohio. Rogue Fitness has developed a reputation for producing high-quality equipment that's sturdy and durable.

You'll find Rogue Fitness equipment in many gyms, and lots of people also buy Rogue Fitness home fitness equipment because they know it's well-made. One of the most popular Rogue Fitness pieces of equipment is the Rogue Barbell.

This high-quality Olympic-style barbell is designed to withstand lots of heavy usage. This barbell is especially popular with those who do powerlifting, weightlifting, and CrossFit. Rogue Fitness also produces a wide variety of weightlifting and dumbbell sets.


Bowflex produces a wide variety of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, yoga mats, and much more. Bob and Brad Akers founded the company, and its head office is in Arlington, Texas.

Bowflex has a reputation for producing high-quality, sturdy, durable fitness equipment. Bowflex equipment has been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Bowflex is especially well-known for its weight benches, which produce various models.

Some of their weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 350 pounds, while others can hold up to 500 pounds. Bowflex also produces a range of adjustable weight benches, which are a good choice.

Bowflex also produces a range of different dumbbell sets that are available in a variety of different sizes and weights. Bowflex is a trusted, reliable brand of fitness equipment that's perfect for any home gym.


Nautilus produces a range of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more. Arthur Jones founded the company, and its head office is in Vancouver, Canada. Nautilus has a reputation for producing high-quality, sturdy, durable fitness equipment.

Many Nautilus pieces of equipment have been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Nautilus is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in various types and designs. Some of Nautilus' weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 400 pounds, while others can hold up to 500 pounds.

Nautilus also produces various dumbbell sets that are available in a range of sizes and weights.


Marcy produces various fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more.

Paul and Jeanette Fajerman founded the company, and its head office is in Ontario, Canada. Marcy has a reputation for producing high-quality, sturdy, durable fitness equipment. Many Marcy pieces of equipment have been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Marcy is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in various types and designs.

Some of Marcy's weight benches have a capacity of up to 600 pounds, while others can hold up to 700 pounds. Marcy also has a variety of varying dumbbell sets that are available in a range of different sizes and weights.


Body-Solid produces a wide variety of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more. Steve Merrick founded the company, and its head office is in New Berlin, Wisconsin. Body-Solid has a reputation for producing high-quality, sturdy, durable fitness equipment.

 Body-Solid equipment has been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Body-Solid is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in various types and designs. Some Body-Solid weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 700 pounds, while others can hold up to 900 pounds.

Body-Solid also produces a range of adjustable weight benches, which are a good choice. Body-Solid also produces various dumbbell sets that are available in a range of sizes and weights.

ProForm Fitness Equipment

ProForm produces a wide variety of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more. Elliott Hanlon founded the company, and its head office is located in Massachusetts.

ProForm has a reputation for producing high-quality fitness equipment that's really sturdy and durable. Many ProForm pieces of equipment have been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment for home gyms. ProForm is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in a variety of different types and designs.

Some of the ProForm's weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 900 pounds, while others can hold up to 1000 pounds. ProForm also produces a range of adjustable weight benches, which are a good choice if you want to be able to switch between different exercises.

Body Craft Fitness Equipment

Body Craft produces a wide variety of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more. The company was founded by Ray Clarke, and its head office is located in Ontario, Canada.

Body Craft has a reputation for producing high-quality fitness equipment that's really sturdy and durable. Many Body Craft pieces of equipment have been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Body Craft is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in a variety of different types and designs.

Some of Body Craft's weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 700 pounds, while others can hold up to 1000 pounds. Body Craft also produces a range of adjustable weight benches, which are a good choice if you want to be able to switch between different exercises.

Kurtis Heavy-Duty Equipment

Kurtis produces a wide variety of fitness equipment, including weight benches, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, and much more. The company was founded by Keith Lusignan, and its head office is located in Ontario, Canada. Kurtis has a reputation for producing high-quality fitness equipment that's really sturdy and durable.

Many Kurtis pieces of equipment have been highly rated by fitness experts and deemed a good investment. Kurtis is especially well-known for its weight benches, which come in a variety of different types and designs.

Some of Kurtis' weight benches have a weight capacity of up to 1000 pounds, while others can hold up to 1100 pounds. Kurtis also produces a range of adjustable weight benches, which are a good choice if you want to be able to switch between different exercises.

Now that you've read this article, you should have a better idea of what brands of fitness equipment you can't go wrong with. Whether you're looking for a weight bench, dumbbells, barbells, Swiss balls, or any other type of fitness equipment, these brands have a reputation for producing high-quality products that are sturdy and durable.

Fitness Equipment Buying Guide: Everything You Need To Know To Get Started

‍Whether you're just starting to workout from home or you want to upgrade your fitness space, investing in the right equipment is key. There are so many different types of fitness equipment available today, which can make finding the perfect pieces for your home challenging.

But not to worry — we've got you covered with everything you need to know before purchasing new exercise equipment.

What To Look For When Buying Fitness Equipment

When you're ready to buy fitness equipment, there are a few things to keep in mind before making a final decision. These include:


When shopping for new fitness equipment, look for products that are versatile. This will ensure that the equipment you purchase can be used for a variety of different workouts.

Weight Capacity

Another thing to consider is the weight capacity of each piece of equipment. You don't want to overwork yourself or use equipment that's too heavy for you.

The Type Of Workout

Before you purchase any type of equipment, make sure that it meets the needs of your workout. If you like to run, look for running shoes. If you prefer yoga, you'll want yoga mats and other accessories.


When it comes to purchasing fitness equipment, you want to make sure it's built to last. On average, you'll want to replace your equipment about every three years.


One last thing to consider is the price of the equipment. While it's important to find pieces that are high quality, you don't want to spend too much money.

It's important to find pieces that fit within your budget. You don't have to spend a lot of money to get great fitness equipment. There are a lot of sales and discounts available, so keep your eyes peeled for great deals.

Now that you know what to look for when buying new fitness equipment, it's time to start shopping. Start with our buying guide to help you select the best equipment for your needs, then visit our online store to browse our selection of fitness equipment.

And don't forget to read our reviews to find out which pieces are worth your money.


The best fitness equipment will depend on your goals and your fitness level, but in general, you want to make sure that the equipment is reliable and will provide a challenging workout.

Most importantly, you want to make sure that you enjoy the workout. If you aren't having fun, you'll be less likely to stick with your fitness routine. Pick the equipment that sounds like fun and seems like it would be a challenge. There are a lot of gimmicky pieces of equipment out there, and it can be hard to sort through all of them to find the best one for you.

Always keep an eye out for new fitness equipment, and make sure to do your research before committing to a purchase.